Pottery Club

Pottery Club is all about community. It is why it exists and it would be nothing without it.

Established in March of 2023, our growing group of potters meet on alternating Tuesday and Thursday evenings to create, connect, laugh, and unwind among new friends inside our new (temporary) home in Rivervale.
Find the address in your Booking Confirmation email.

Alex is in the midst of building a workshop in her backyard for hosting Workshops and Pottery Club from, aiming for a grand opening in September 2024.

Tools and equipment are provided for handbuilding (pottery wheels not available at this point in time, but will be in Alex’s new backyard studio).

Clay can be purchased for an additional $5 for 2kg, and firing and glaze costs are additional depending on the size of each piece. Glazing your pieces can be done during Pottery Club.

This is not a lesson, rather an opportunity to use your imagination and bring your ideas to fruition.

If this community sounds like one you would like to be a part of, we’d love for you to join us!